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Mission accomplished!

Waiting has paid out!

Merchant’s Edition has achieved its most important goal, time to wrap it up.

By Markus “Traumflug” Hitter
Featured Image
Photo by Maël Balland.

Main goal of Merchant’s Edition was to continue the then excellent thirty bees project. It had been a shame if that had vanished due to internal conflicts and key persons jumping ship.

Interestingly enough, not long after Merchant’s Edition emerged, thirty bees suddenly woke up and made a release. Given this, the problem of a uncertain project future was solved. This sudden revitalization of thirty bees also achieved Merchant’s Edition’s main goal, continuation of the project. As maintaining and developing yet another PrestaShop derivative made little sense, Merchant’s Edition development was halted.

Mission accomplished!

Here are all releases ever done:

Merchant’s EditionRelease package
Version 1.9.0merchantsedition-v1.9.0.zip (44 MiB)
Version 1.9.1merchantsedition-v1.9.1.zip (44 Mib)
Version 1.9.2merchantsedition-v1.9.2.zip (41 MiB)
Core UpdaterRelease package
Version 2.0.0coreupdater-v2.0.0.zip (0.1 MiB)

In case you want to continue Merchant’s Edition development, here are the Git repositories:

ProjectGit repository package
Merchant’s Editionmerchantsedition.git.tar.gz (168 MiB)
Core Updatercoreupdater.git.tar.gz (0.3 MiB)

These are bare repositories, like the ones used on Git servers. To make a user repository from that, do this on the command line (likewise for coreupdater):

  tar -xvzf merchantsedition.git.tar.gz
  mkdir merchantsedition
  mv merchantsedition.git merchantsedition/.git
  cd merchantsedition
  git config --unset core.bare
  git checkout

That’s what I have for you, thank you for the great journey!